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Sometimes the first minutes of communication we can understand that man has a whole set of negative qualities. Sometimes next to people to be easy, because to please them and establish friendly relations with them is almost impossible. Astrologers have analyzed all the representatives of the zodiacal circle and found that some of them have such negative traits from birth.

6th place — Taurus

Taurus is stubborn by nature. Despite the fact that they can hardly be called a conflict, and even more evil people, sometimes to communicate with them is just unbearable. You will be able to notice this if you try to argue with Taurus: to prove the correctness of their position, you’ll need a lot of time and nerves. Most goes to the people who are forced to reside with Taurus under the same roof because sometimes they truly terrorize their loved ones whims. If they do not like it, they don’t dare say it directly, but their behaviour is unbearable. To approach a Calf, it is possible but for this you must be a very patient person,reports the Rambler.

5th place — Capricorn

To understand the nature of Capricorn not everyone succeeds. Along with Taurus these representatives of the zodiacal circle is very stubborn. However, in contrast to the first, if they start to prove their point of view, sometimes it can get personal. To find a common language with Capricorn is possible only to those who have similar character. If Capricorn will notice that you are not worthy to be in his close circle, he is not afraid to openly and even tell you about it. Unfortunately, a complete lack of tact may alienate people from the representatives of this sign. But still difficult for those who are not fortunate enough to fall in love with a Capricorn. In this case, he will do everything to show that you care about him, even if it is not. You’ll need a lot of time to get the location of the stubborn Capricorn.

4th place — Aquarius

Sometimes dealing with Aquarius unbearable. This zodiac sign refers to the type of people who can not live in peace, often dare to adventure and inciting others to do, thereby exposing them to danger. Despite the fact that Aquarius is always eager to learn something new, he tries to show others that already knows everything better than others. If someone tells the representative of this sign for incompetence, immediately open the dark sides of Aquarius. To protect themselves and their honor he can by any means, including shouting and insults. In General, Aquarius is not the most angry and aggressive sign of the zodiac, since its behavior depends on the situation.

3rd place — Gemini

The representatives of this zodiac sign deserved third place because of its capricious nature. To find common language with them, you need to be patient. In addition, Gemini is difficult to sit still, to communicate with one and the same person and, in General, adhere to the consistency. Also they are the real gossip and not only like to receive information about other people, but to spread rumors, which often are shunned by their surrounding. Entrusting a secret Twin, soon you may notice that it knows all your inner circle, but if you accuse him of gab, it only artfully smiles. It doesn’t mean we have to completely avoid the company of the Twins, but while chatting with them you should always be alert.

2nd place — Aries

Impulsivity is the main negative quality Rams. It is because of him they were in second place. If you are with this sign of the zodiac — do not wait for calm, as it will make you nervous. In fact, Aries is able to ruffle even the most calm people, at least the fact that they are constantly dissatisfied with something. They think that the truth is always behind them, and what they are trying to tell them other people — it’s just unnecessary noise. The representative of this sign will be right even if it is not, and to prove to him otherwise you will not be able. Rams ready to compromise only if the people have them cornered. But it is a great rarity.

1st place — Scorpio

If you had to meet the person, communication with which robs you of vital energy, it is likely that it was a Scorpion. Really, to be close to this zodiac sign it is impossible, because it not only has a lot of negative qualities but he does not hide it and claim it as their own unique feature. They believe that all the people in their close circle is a property which can only dispose of them. The worst thing is that they are able to control other people, and doing it masterfully. If they find out that there is a man who feels for him, strong feelings, they will find a way to use it for their own purposes. If you happen to fall under the influence of Scorpio, be prepared for what you life will become his enemy. Having this familiar relationship is very dangerous, because it could face unpleasant consequences.

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your future according to Zodiac change of season.



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