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Even though each zodiac sign is different, they all have negative qualities, and as a result, they may rub other the wrong way. And most people can relate to that — many of us have been involved in the occasional round of gossip, for example, told a lie, or kept a few secrets. " is we have plenty of room for improvement.

It's also true that each and every sign can go through phases, all thanks to the astrological goings on in the sky. "There is a definite polarity for each zodiac sign and under certain astrological transits — or even the changing of the Moon from sign to sign every few days — [it] can bring out the best or worst of each sign," 

. "Someone who has always been a straight shooter can go through an astrological season of being shady, secretive, and undependable."

So take it all in stride. We all have these tendencies, to one degree or another. But as long as we notice them, and attempt to balance them out, they're usually nothing to worry about. With that in mind, here are a few of the more shady zodiac signs, according to experts, as well as what each one can do to keep themselves out of trouble.


Gemini can be one of the more gossipy signs of the zodiac; they just can't help telling a juicy story, or spilling something interesting they heard through the grapevine. "As Gemini continues to spread the news, each new listener gets an updated and spicier version of the story," 

They can get themselves in trouble — which isn't surprising when gossip is involved — by slightly stretching the truth. As Barrett says, "They are sometimes seen as liars when in actuality they get caught up in the 'whisper down the lane' effect of their own recanting of news."

Gemini shouldn't try to shed their delightful storytelling ways, but they can try to be more careful when it comes to sharing news that isn't their own. By gossiping less, and making themselves the soul focus of their stories, they'll be far more trustworthy.

2 Cancer 

Cancer is known as one of the warmest signs. But they have been known to occasionally use their good reputation to their advantage. "Don't be fooled by Cancer's soft, gracious nature,"  "This sign can be very manipulative when it comes to getting what they want."

But this can and likely will backfire. It's much healthier for Cancer to be honest about what they want, instead of trying to reach their goals in an unhealthy way.

3 Leo 

Leo may want to be the star of the show, but they can occasionally go about it in an unhealthy way. As Barretta says, "they feel all press is good press," so they may not stop to think about their actions hurting others, of if they're tarnishing their good reputation. "Leo [might] stir up a lot of drama, and as everyone is sorting through the confusion, they will elbow their way to the top," 

Of course, creating drama isn't the only way to get attention, but Leo can sometimes forget that. The good news is, this is a bad habit they can easily break, once they allow themselves to see that positive attention can feel so much better than negative.

4 Virgo 

As a highly opinionated sign, Virgo can easily seem hyper-critical, and possibly even a touch rude. "They [might] criticize and nitpick until you lose your confidence and do things their way, which in Virgo's eyes is the only right way," 

It's great that Virgo knows what they want out of life, and that they have the confidence to go get it. But it's helpful for them to remember that others are entitled to their opinions, too. In doing so, they may find that others are even more likely to work with them, and help them achieve their goals.

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your future according to Zodiac change of season.



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