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How Each Zodiac Sign Creates A Work/Life Balance

Writer's picture: meroda rodacmeroda rodac

If you want to live a happy and fulfilling life, you need to find some balance.

Astrology has some influence on our personalities and how we navigate life. And even if it's not from a horoscope, this includes being able to create a work-life balance for ourselves. But when it comes to how the zodiac signs create a work-life balance, things may not always be so black and white.

The term work-life balance doesn't mean that your life is divided equally between your family, your work, and the things you do for yourself. It means that you try to find a balance that works for you on a given day, and the structure of that balance can change from day to day. It’s listening to yourself and doing what you need to not feel stressed out or overwhelmed.

When we’re able to manage our time wisely, we prevent ourselves from feeling as if we’re spinning out of control. But trying to force everything you need to do into 24 hours and still sleep isn't healthy.

When you have a work-life balance, you make sure to include "me time" so you have a moment to focus on yourself. You don’t work yourself to exhaustion so you don’t have the energy to do anything else.

Taking breaks and enjoying weekends is crucial for a work-life balance. If you have to schedule it, so be it. Self-care in all its forms is integral to having a healthy life. If you have a big list and something doesn't get done, don’t stress out. If it’s important, you’ll get to it; if it’s not, let it go and move on.


What helps Aries accomplish a work-life balance is for them to set manageable goals for themselves each day. A loosely structured To-Do List works great. If they have a sense of what things are a top priority and what things can be put off, they won't feel as pressured to get everything done.

An Aries can sometimes over-schedule themselves and do too much in a day, but if they have some kind of plan — even if it's just in their head — they won't be unrealistic about what they can accomplish.


Taurus tend to be all in when they're focused on something, so a good idea is to be efficient with their time at work. If they have a huge project that threatens to overwhelm them, it can be helpful to break it down into smaller tasks.

Once they've completed the first one, they should reward themselves (it can be a tiny reward like a latte, or allowing themselves 5 minutes of YouTube) before they move on to the next portion of the project. This will help them to stay on track, stay focused, and will cultivate a feeling of competence.



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To help Gemini achieve a work-life balance, they need to put their communication skills to good use. Being honest with their colleagues and managers when they feel like they're in the weeds or stuck is a great tactic.

When Gemini stays open to other opinions, alternatives, and strategies, they may get an idea or fix they didn't think of. If Gemini knows when it's better to step back rather than have a confrontation, this will avoid causing friction.


What can help a Cancer to avoid creating more stress in their life is for them to take music breaks. If they take a few moments away from their day to just listen to some music, it will help them to relax, even if they're under pressure; it will jump start their creativity.

If a Cancer goes outside or to the breakroom, puts their earphones in and presses play on their favorite playlist, they'll start to decompress and will be more productive for the rest of the day. And their blood pressure will probably lower, too.


Leos take their leadership role very seriously and try to help everybody who asks for it. It's important for Leo to put themselves first sometimes. Leos get inundated with requests for their time or expertise and they forget to take care of themselves.

When Leo takes care of Leo, they're able to reach their goals, keep themselves healthy, and have their needs met. This isn't to say that Leo should never help anyone ever again, just make sure to put themselves on the list. When they're feeling overwhelmed, it doesn't help anybody.


Virgos tend to get consumed by their own quest for perfection which only throws the whole work-life equation out of whack. Virgos need to pull back on overdoing some of the things they do obsessively.

They don't always have to be the superstar at work, the perfect mate at home, or even the model citizen. If Virgo evens things out and does a little bit of everything in their day, week, or month, they'll have a more balanced life.


If anyone knows how to achieve a work-life balance, it's Libra. As long as they don't over-commit or try to multi-task, they're able to have the best of both worlds. They're good at leaving their work at work, practicing self-care, and finding what works for them.

Libras tend to thrive when they have flexibility in terms of their work, so working from home, setting their own hours, and self-directing the tasks that they need to complete are good for them.


Scorpios tend to be all in with everything, so in order to have a better work-life balance, they need to know how to adapt. If they're working on a big project at work and feel they have to cancel dinner with a friend because of time constraints, rather than canceling the friend, they can downsize the dinner to grabbing some coffee. That way, they still see the friend, have a break, and when they return to work, they'll be in a better mood.

It may take some creative scheduling, but their time won't be completely monopolized by work.


Sagittarians hate to feel as if they're missing out, so they tend to try to do everything, even if they end up exhausted. Sure, they've had a lot of fun, but their work can suffer and they may flake on their responsibilities. It's a work-life balance, not a life-social life balance.

There's only so many hours in the day, and unfortunately, Sag needs to let something go. If you go to a four-day music festival, you probably are going to have to say no to going out every night when you return home. Sagittarians need to edit their schedules as brutally as a newspaper editor and cut out the things that won't benefit them in any way.


Here's the thing: Capricorns are too hard-working. They're the ones who will volunteer to stay later, do that extra project, and cover other people's jobs when they're asked. Their work-life balance tends to be way out of whack. Capricorns need to make a commitment to spending less time at work.

If they need to take a class that starts right after work to get them out of there at a decent time, they should do it. If they make their plan at the start of the day, they'll not only re-train themselves to leave at a respectable time, but their colleagues will hold them accountable. Ultimately, Capricorn will make their lives more meaningful.


For Aquarius to have a work-life balance they need to stay active. They tend to get consumed by their work, but they have to take time out to take a walk or go to the gym. Take that ten-minute break and do a couple of yoga poses or stretches.

Working out, even in small doses, helps reduce stress, anxiety, and energizes us. Plus, by taking the time to exercise, Aquarius is taking some time for themselves and focusing on their body and what it needs.


Pisces tend to be too hard on themselves — if they're not doing everything, then they're not doing enough. They tend to be unselfish and put other people's needs above their own. Pisces need to take time for themselves and to do the things that give them joy.

Pisces may think that being a responsible adult means taking care of others to the extent that they aren't allowed to do some of the things that they love, but that's not the case.

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